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Becoming Elastic
In this essay art critic and writer Nicholas Norton reflects upon the blurring lines between fine art and crafts in the contemporary art scene in Norway. He looks at Ahmed Umar’s show Glowing Phalanges at Kunstnernes Hus (2023), Unweaving the Binary Code at Kunsthall Trondheim (2022) and Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzels exhibition at BO, On Lycanthropy, fabulation and weaving spells (2023). Norton examines the shows use of performativity and sound, and he arguments on how crafts is an increasingly elastic category, capable of merging different critical perspectives that are not simply beholden to traditions of making, and can be a way of “making” new perspectives on the world.
Duodji as a Starting Point for Artistic Practice
In this essay curator and duojár Gry-Kristina Fors Spein reflects on the Sámi concept of duodji as a starting point for artistic practice.
Dehtie Maadtoste, Maadtome – From This Land, These Ancestors of Mine
An essay by South Saami and Scottish Gaelic teacher, translator and poet Johan Sandberg McGuinne on Saami kinship terms and naming practices
Moving Away as Moving Towards
Adam Curtis explores the pastoral lifestyles influenced by the idea of escape – from the busy, noisy, commercial, constant push to produce.
Winona's Hemp
An essay by publisher, editor, and writer Dorothée Perret and artist Oscar Tuazon about Winona LaDuke’s Hemp & Heritage Farm on the White Earth Nation, Gaa-waabaabiganikaag in northern Minnesota.
Memories in Archives – Archived Memories
Essay on Sámi and Kven museum collections by writer and photographer Susanne Hætta
Returning the Long Silent Voices of Our Treasures to the World of Light
Audiovisual essay by Tāmihana Kātene on the creation of taonga puoro
Can Textile Craft Help Restore Planetary Health?
An essay about how regenerative textile practices can aid in our current planetary emergency written by Carole Collet.