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Performativity and Sound

Mata Aho: Māori Weaving Practices at Atua-Scale

Kiyoshi Yamamoto: Material as Metaphor

Ahmed Umar: Starting from Stories

Jens Erland: Man/Machine

Stian Korntved Ruud: An Inventor of Curious Things

HAiK: Camouflaged Art or Bold Fashion?

Phonotope 4 – a Sounding Landscape
The contemporary composer Rolf Wallin presents the concept and process behind the performance Phonotope 4. Phonotope 1 was developed in 2001 and since then, four other phonotopes have seen the light of day. Phonotope 4 is the first of the four, to move into the physical and visual with SISU Percussion Ensemble and scenographer Carle Lange, with questions like “how to make "water-like" music with instruments made of water?” and “how to build a fire instrument that sounds like fire?”

Strategies for Designing and Composing with Sound Sculptures
In this text, Eirik Brandal writes about the construction and composition strategies of his electronic sculptures. He reflects on craft in relation to his own artistic background in music composition and sonology and contemplates how artists are necessarily shaped by the tools they are working with.

Stian Korntved Ruud: An Inventor of Curious Things
In this interview with Stian Korntved Ruud: by Tora Endestad Bjørkheim and Johnny Herbert we learn more about Ruud's exploratory practice, driven by artistic research and curiosity.

Pearla Pigao: Playing Patterns
An interview with textile artist and musician Pearla Pigao by Tora Endestad Bjørkheim and Johnny Herbert

Returning the Long Silent Voices of Our Treasures to the World of Light
Audiovisual essay by Tāmihana Kātene on the creation of taonga puoro