Jewellery and adornment

Tone Vigeland: Hands on

Liv Blåvarp: Touch Wood

The Innermost Corner of the Outermost Layer – an interview with Renate D. Dahl, Judit Fritz, and Lauren Kalman

Nanna Melland: The Uniqueness of the Masses
Sigurd Bronger: Jewellery as Absurd Theater

Jewellery Thoughts of Impermanence

Felieke van der Leest: Toy Animals, Yarn, and Glamorous Design

Inger Blix Kvammen: Memories in Metal

Recognizing Ground: Where Indigenous and Queer Practices Meet

Baarkaldahke – A Living Cultural Legacy

Texture of Practice: Areta Wilkinson

Jewellery Thoughts of Impermanence

The Innermost Corner of the Outermost Layer – an interview with Renate D. Dahl, Judit Fritz, and Lauren Kalman

The World-Shifting Qualities of Adornment

With this Ring – An Essay Celebrating the Symbolic Meaning of Jewellery

Tattoo Archaeology

Connecting to the Past: Reclaiming Nordic Heritage through Tattooing

Inuit Tattoo Traditions and the Complexities of a Revival
Part Psychologist, Part Mind Reader, Part Artist

Art that hits a nerve